RE: Deterioration on West Avenue

For the past 5 years there has been a an increase in noise from alcohol establishments for residents on West Ave.  Our corridor has been left out of the alcohol restrictions that have been placed in Sunset Harbor and South of Fifth and that is why the West Ave corridor has deteriorated.  Loud music, groups of party animals are taking over the West Avenue corridor, a place where working residents reside.  We were never a tourist destination, we need safeguards.

Small mom and pop stores and restaurants with owners residing in the area kept West Avenue a hip, modern urban residence.  Now large delivery trucks and super size tourist buses double parked in the road are everywhere. It was inappropriate decision to allow Bikini Hostel to operate,  and Mondrian Hotel.

I would like more restrictive alcohol hours of operation built into the ordinance, and a peaceful neighborhood after midnight on weekdays even by 11 pm.  Or else we will need to hire 500 more code enforcement officers to deal with the noise from bars.  Absurd!

Make the changes to limit noise by limiting hours of operation, especially outdoor alcohol  in our residential neighborhood .


Subject: bar noise

My experience during Code Compliance night calls is that you have to demand to speak to a supervisor. I have complained in the past that one of the employees who answers the phone does not send out code inspectors or if he does, he does not tell you that the code officer wait in the area without your phone number given to them expecting to meet you.  The code inspectors then call in that the resident is a no show and the complaint is never recorded.

I found out by accident when I went out to video the disturbance after calling in the complaint and found the code inspectors standing outside the property of the violator.  The code officers stated they were waiting for the resident who had called.  I identified myself as that resident and asked them why I had not been told to meet with them.  They did not know. I asked if they were given my phone number for contact as I had left it with the person taking the complaint on the phone, they told me NO. I did make a complaint with the department and the supervisor.  A review was made.  It appears that the same employee is up to his old tricks. So at night, speak to a supervisor and she will make sure the inspectors meet with you and write a complaint up.


Subject: Alcohol ordinance

I have lived 20 years at the same place at Lincoln Bay Tower, 1450 Lincoln Rd.

At no time before the opening of the Gaythering Hotel, we had such nuisance of people gathering outside, queuing and being extremely loud until 2:00 am.

When the Gaythering came to present his project, they insured us that it wouldn’t be a bar or “night club type” hang out, no cars parking in the street and just occasional events. We never thought that alcohol license was to be granted until 2.00 am (seems that it can be authorized until 5am), and that people will be lounging, smoking, being dropped off and talking very loud at least once a week.  We can hear from our bedroom even with hurricane windows.

We are residential area and don’t want our area to become Washington, Collins and Ocean Drive.  There are enough partying/night clubs areas in Miami Beach without disrupting our residential neighborhood.

We have tried for one year to call the city code compliance…and met with Mr. Santos Alborna to clarify. Code compliance send us to police, and no action taken and no record made.

It’s so frustrating to get the run around, to have to talk to a supervisor, and to feel that no one is concerned about the nuisance.

The city shouldn’t allow small hotels to open, to have bars and to serve alcohol in a residential neighborhood.

Neighborhood can’t be “treated” differently, South of Fifth vs. WAVNA.


Subject: Land Use Committee 2/17/16 alcohol establishments West Ave, Palm View

Of course entertainment, bars and restaurants bring money into Miami Beach, but when uncontrolled, cost more than they bring in through the need for additional policing and emergency responses, damage to neighboring properties and parks, reduced property values, and reduced productivity of residents who cannot sleep.

I have witnessed fights, screaming, and drunken patrons from the Purdy Lounge urinating and hurling beer bottles in Maurice Gibbs park. Please believe, they patrons of such establishments are NOT bringing a lot of money into Miami Beach, and cost more than they bring in.

Very truly yours,


Subject: alcohol ordinance discussion at planning board meeting

Dear Commissioners,

RE: West Ave Overlay Alcohol Ordinance

I am angry & upset that we even have to create ordinances like this, it does not take any more studies or investigations to figure out that bars & night clubs adversely affect a residential area.

How would you like to live a block away from a club that stays open until 5 in the morning & when people stagger out drunk & crazy they cause problems for folks who live nearby

My only recourse is to call code enforcement and this is not a good way to live. Now you are allowing all kinds of late night establishments to intrude even further into this section of town, the former firestone on 16th & alton, the nightclub on 16th?  We  have enough problems with collins & ocean & Washington you want to create more problems in other hoods.

I am a Miami Beach native born & raised…MBHS class of ’58. I find it abominable that my home town is being harvested for money without caring or planning for the health & welfare of the local inhabitants we’re just sitting ducks & you are methodically killing us off by allowing intrusion of non-residential businesses that bring all sorts of loud, unsavory, party-time establishments to infiltrate residential zones.

This not in the best interests of the residents. It is time you stood up to protect the public.


Subject: alcohol ordinance discussion at planning board meeting

Dear Commissioners,

The residents of South Beach are the victims of decisions made to transform our residential area to an entertainment district. Our neighborhood is being ransacked and relegated to noise, trash and party time shenanigans.

My home is my largest investment.  You are supposed to be looking out for your constituents: those who live and work in this neighborhood.  Instead, you are allowing it to morph into something totally foreign to residences and small service establishments.

I don’t want any more bars or nightclubs.  I need service stores so my neighborhood has all the conveniences of comfortable living in a residential area.

Please rethink what you’re doing.


Subject: IN FIRM SUPPORT of a West Ave Neighborhood Alcohol Ordinance

To Whom it May Concern,

We are strongly against the allowance of West Avenue to become a new entertainment district. We have owned and lived here full time for ten years. We are also business owners in South Beach.

We think we need limitations like in effect in other parts of Miami Beach. (Example: Sofi and Sunset Harbor)

There is a reason we live on this side of the beach and don’t see a real tangible need to expand the tourist party district. It will increase crime, garbage, noise, etc.

We need not describe what riffraff will come, you and I have seen it stumbling around as we go about our morning business.

This “development” will displace more Miami Beach residents in the name of fun and profit for a few people who don’t call this home.


To: [email protected]

Subject: a call for assistance

Hi, I’m very glad to have found your organization as I’m interested in contributing to the maintenance of West Avenue as a resident-friendly location to live.

We own on West Avenue. Last summer we were asked, by mail, to comment on a “super graphic” proposed for a small space around the corner. The graphic seems fine and the little taco shop there is popular and pleasant.  We were not made aware, however, that a large, secret after hours lounge/club/bar was being constructed behind it.

Our main complaint is the sound of the bass from the music in the club.  This has really impacted our ability to sit outside on our deck and keeps us awake at all hours.  Our tenants are also complaining and we feel this impacts our ability to rent the spaces in this building. Yesterday, the beat went on all day so that we couldn’t sit outside and read the Sunday paper.

This is a vast change from the way the space was used before.


Dear Resident

RE: Bodega 1220 16th Street

I am sorry for the unpleasant experience that is unfolding next to your apartment building.

The Bodega is zoned CD-2 which allows loud music (called Entertainment Establishment) and serving alcohol until 5am. That is unfortunate because your property next door is residential.

The operator did not have to appear before any city board to obtain permission for any  uses, i.e. alcohol and loud music.

The Fire Department determined the maximum occupancy of Bodega as 190 persons. If maximum occupancy was 200 then a permit would be required and the city could limit hours of operation. But that didn’t happen.

Here is the good news, the city is responsive to resident complaints and Wavna is in the process of lobbying the city to change laws so that residents can experience quiet enjoyment in their   homes.  It is important to change the laws because this developer also purchased 6 other properties on Alton Rd and we would not want to see 6 more nightclubs.

Keep calling code compliance for noise, and remember the Code officer expects you to stand outside and wait for them to arrive so they can discuss the noise complaint with you (yes even if it is 3am and you are in your pajamas).

Regards, Gayle Durham Wavna, President


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