WAvNA Condo Directors Club
Minutes by Chris Cooney
June 8, 2015, 6:00pm, Bay Garden Manor, 1250 West Ave

Thank you everyone for your enthusiastic participation. The Founders meeting of Wavna Condo Directors Club  was a success and we look forward to a productive future.

Board Chosen:

Chair – Andre McIntosh – in charge of running meetings, creating agenda, inviting speakers, and reserving a meeting room.

Vice President , Isabel Anderson – assist the Chair in all duties

Secretary, Chris Cooney – take minutes, send correspondence

Gayle, President of Wavna, will announce CDC meeting dates at Wavna meetings and in Wavna newsletter

Name changed from “Condo Presidents Club” to “Condo Directors Club” , aka CDC

Generally, meetings will be held quarterly, the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm, 1250 West Ave social room. The next meeting will be July 7th (changed to Aug 4, 2015) to discuss the updated code requirements for fire alarm systems. Invite fire marshall /officer available – Chris Cooney will reach out.

Discussed how members would correspond, perhaps a Google Group or Facebook group – Gayle to make FB page.

Mission statement: To exchange information and promote awareness among condominium associations for the purpose of collaborating on all issues that effect a condo association -choosing quality vendors, negotiating contracts, comparative pricing, and sharing ideas and tips so our condo associations can improve efficiency and and accomplish cost savings.

Topics for future meetings:

Fire Alarm Systems – new code to bring systems up to date. Have Fire Marshal give presentation

Reserve Study – Why is this needed, who performs it, how often is it required?

40 Year Certification – Hiring an honest engineer, how to prepare before the inspection

Condo Association Laws – invite a condo attorney to speak

How to Change Your Condo By-Laws

Fine Committee – Should we create one, how to create one

How to conduct a smooth board meeting with no drama

Kickbacks and Corruption – Warnings signs a board member is on the take, how do you report it.

Pets – allowing or prohibiting, fines, installing a doggie pooh station

Renting – long term renting, background check, short term rentals, rules, security deposit, profit sharing.

Re-roofing and annual roof maintenance

Insurance – Tips to lower your buildings insurance costs

Termite and Pest Control – What is the difference between termite control and pest control, who are quality vendors, how to negotiate the contract, what price should I be paying.

Flood Mitigation – how to prepare your building for the raising of the street, what changes will our building need to make, will it require a special assessment, how to obtain the street design plans from the city.

Re-surfacing parking lot – best contractors, scooter parking , handicap parking

Electric Gates – best vendors, how to handle emergency weekend repairs, monthly maintenance contract

Intercom System – Quality intercom hardware, setting up the system, best vendors, intercom phone bill

Elevator Contract – hiring a quality vendor, how much should I be paying for monthly service, How to read the service contract, replacing your elevator

Trash Contract – how to negotiate, how to read the contact, what is a fair price, bin size, recycle bins

Landscaping Contract – Best vendors, mulching, tree trimming, fertilize, pesticides

Management Contract –

Pool – Best vendors, pool repair and leaks

Air Conditioning

Converting your balconies from railings to glass

Replacing windows

Painting Exterior of Building, Rebar, Concrete

How to choose a vendor for repairs – recommendations for quality plumber, electrician, handyman



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