Minutes of the Meeting
December 9, 2014, 6:00pm, The Mirador, 1200 West Avenue
Presenters: Marie Ruiz (Homeless Committee), Kenny Varella (Code), Robert Santos-Alfonso (Code), George Castell (Code), Deborah Martineanu (Police), Michael Veski (Police), Malein Pamares (Police), Nelson Gonzalez (Fire), Danny Parez (Fire), David Lancz (Asst. to State Representative David Richardson)
Board Members Present: Valerie Navarrete, Gayle Durham, Rich D’Amura and Ron Wolff.

I.  Homeless

a. Presentation by Maria Ruiz, Director Committee on the Homeless
b. Contrary to what do-gooders believe, handing homeless money and food on the street is not productive

II. Code Compliance explained short-term rentals and discussed other code issues

a.  Short term rental

1. Illegal in zone RM-1 (Municode Section 142-1111)
2. Violation is a Code issue, not a police issue

b. Miami Beach is one of the only cities where Code Department is available 24/7
c. Bikini Hostel is going to Special Masters and Wavna residents will attend

III. Police gave neighborhood update

a.  Police policy to give illegally parked delivery trucks warning instead of ticket so that drivers do not lose their license and therefore their source of income
b. Officer Martineau will have the traffic lights on West Ave synchronized back to normal

IV  Announcement –  First Annual Wavna Resident and City Official Celebration Party/Special Guest Mayor Phillip Levine

a. Monday, January 12, 2015, Anthony’s Coal Fire Pizza
b. To celebrate the success of projects and issues that improved our neighborhood

 V  Announcement –  West Ave Streetscape meeting

a. Open to the public
b. December 15, 2014, 6pm, 4th floor City Hall
c. Everyone encourage to attend to see revisions to street and sidewalk design

VI  Survey about start date for Streetscape Project

VII Residents asked – “What issues do you want Wavna to focus on in 2015? Answers below:

a. Improve existing BayWalk
b. Completion of BayWalk
c. More garbage cans
d. More doggy pooh dispensers
e. Add a traffic light at 9th and West Ave
f. Improve parking on West Ave
g. Continue good traffic enforcement and control speeding cars on West Ave
h. To prevent traffic from backing up on West Ave, provide better signage at 5th St. and Causeway to inform drivers about dedicated right hand turn lane
I.  Ensure that toxic recycled tires, or similar product,  are not used to repave any surfaces,   especially the surface at the street-end pump stations.
j. Traffic flow and timing of lightsnsure that toxic recycled tires, or similar product,  are not K. Add bicycle lane

VIII Adjournment 8:00pm

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